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EurILCA Europa Cup


Co-ordinating Authority:
European Laser Class Association (EurILCA),

The present NOR will be applied at those regattas constituting a series called EurILCA Europa Cup here below show in this calendar table

Notice of race 2025

2 January 2025

Event DateVenueEntry Closing DateEntry Fee
22 January - 26 January, 2025 Europa Cup Turkey - Bodrum, Turkey 16 January, 2025100.00€ (EUR)
28 February - 2 March, 2025 Europa Cup Slovenia - Koper, Slovenia 20 February, 202590.00€ (EUR)
13 March - 16 March, 2025 Europa Cup Italy - Imperia, Italy 3 March, 2025120.00€ (EUR)
28 March - 30 March, 2025 Europa Cup Switzerland - Lugano, Switzerland 18 March, 202590.00€ (EUR)
1 May - 4 May, 2025 Europa Cup France - Maubuisson, France 20 April, 2025120.00€ (EUR)
23 May - 25 May, 2025 Europa Cup Bulgaria - Primorsko, Bulgaria 3 May, 202580.00€ (EUR)
30 May - 1 June, 2025 Europa Cup Poland - Puck, Poland 22 May, 202590.00€ (EUR)
5 July - 8 July, 2025 Europa Cup Germany - Rostock-Warnemünde / Baltic Sea, Germany 16 June, 2025120.00€ (EUR)
12 September - 14 September, 2025 Europa Cup Hungary - Balatonfüred, Hungary 31 August, 2025100.00€ (EUR)
18 December - 21 December, 2025 Europa Cup Malta - Mellieha Bay, Malta 30 November, 2025125.00€ (EUR)
28 December - 31 December, 2025 Europa Cup Croatia - Hvar, Croatia 20 December, 2025100.00€ (EUR)

For some events payments in advance may be required as stated in NoR 6.5. Only when payment is completed the entry is confirmed. EurILCA could close earlier all those events if Pre entry and payment is reaching the limit. For those events if the entry limit is reached there will be no late entries accepted and also on site. When payment of events is required only saiors who have paid before the entry closing date will be consider as NON Late entry, if they have not paid they will consider as late entry if they come to the regatta and have to pay the late entry fees. The orgainsers will have the right to delete them from the application/entry list.

For more details about each venue, including links to entry forms, late entry fees, accommodation, and travel arrangements, please see point 20 Venue Information below or visit the EurILCA Europa Cup website at:



Each regatta will be governed by the “rules” as defined in the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).  The prescriptions of the National Authority will not apply

  1. ILCA class rule 7 (a) is restricted as follows “only one person shall be on board whilst racing. The person shall be named on the entry form”
  2. Appendix P will apply with the following changes:

If a first penalty is signalled after a boat has crossed the finish line, the penalty will be a 10% Scoring Penalty calculated as stated in RRS 44.3(c) without a hearing. However, she shall not be scored worse than DSQ. 

RRS P4 is replaced with “An action by the jury under RRS P1.2 shall not be grounds for a request for redress by a boat under RRS 61.1(a). The jury may initiate a redress hearing and may give redress for an action under RRS P1.2 by a member of the jury or its designated observer”.

  1. If there is a conflict between languages the English text will prevail.
  2. Sails shall have the full sail number AND NATIONAL LETTERS in accordance with the Class Rules and RRS. The national letters shall denote the National Authority of which the sailor is a member in accordance with RRS 75 (c) and with 2.1 Entry regulations above. This changes RRS Appendix G 1.1.


The event is “free advertising” as per World Sailing regulation 20.

Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.


  1. On 1 March 2022, World Sailing published the following recommendations in reaction to the situation in Ukraine: To help preserve the integrity and safety of the 2025 Europa Cup, entries shall be open to competitors and support persons of all nationalities, but not to competitors and support persons holding only Russian or Belarussian nationality. The organizing authority may amend this rule following any further World Sailing decisions on the situation with Russia and Belarus.
  2. Only current fully paid members of ILCA may enter the regatta. These memberships shall be with the Fleet/District Association and with the World Sailing National Authority of the country, where the sailor normally sails, even though such place may not be his permanent residence; however, such member, for any valid reason and with the approval of both District Chairperson, may select instead the Fleet/District and the World Sailing National Authority in which he has permanent residence in accordance with the ILCA constitution article 10 (3) and ILCA rule part two article 9. The sailor can only be member of one Fleet/District Association. The World Sailing number of the sailor must be with the World Sailing National Authority as defined above. This rule does not apply to competitors holding only Russian or Belarussian nationality.
  3. During registration each sailor will be required to show clear written evidence of current membership of their national class Association. Sailors must to present their ILCA or EurILCA proof of membership (the EurILCA electronic card)
  4. Sailors must have a valid World Sailing ID to enter a race. To register as an World Sailing Sailor go to:  To avoid scoring errors, sailors should ensure to use only one World Sailing ID for all entered regattas of the series.
  5. The sailor will be scored as member of the District they belong.


  1. Proof of age will be required at registration
  2. Each sailor under 18 years old on the first day of the event shall show a completed parent/guardian and signed consent form at registration for the duration of the event, each sailor under 18 years old shall be supervised by the responsible adult named on the parent/guardian consent form. This responsible person take the minors’ responsibility to race during the event.
  3. The responsible adult and competitor shall register together on site at the race office.
  4. Competitors are divided and scored in the following categories:
  • ILCA 7: Overall, Under 21 (born 2005-2008), Boys Under 19 (born 2007-2008),
  • ILCA 6 Women: Overall, Women Under 21 (born 2005-2010), Women Under 19 (born 2007-2010), Girls Under 17 (born 2008-2010)
  • ILCA 6 Men: Overall, Boys Under 19 (born 2007-2010), Boys Under 17 (born 2009-2010),
  • ILCA 4 Boys: Overall (born 2008-2013), Boys Under 16, (born 2010–2013)
  • ILCA 4 Girls: Overall (born 2008-2013), Girls Under 16 (born 2010– 2013).
  1. The ILCA 4 eligibility is restricted to sailors who are born in 2013.and before
  2. The ILCA 6 eligibility is restricted to sailors who are born in 2010 and before.
  3. The  ILCA 7 eligibility is restricted to sailors who are born 2008 and before.


  1. Entries will open when the notice of race is published.
  2. To enter a Europa Cup regatta a sailor needs to be registered at the  website and enter for the Europa Cup he wish to enter .
  3. Application of entries must be submitted until the entry closing date as shown in table 1.
  4. When a sailor fills his first application to enter the regatta at the venue without having previously registered and completed the electronic form on the website (item 5.2 above) by the entry closing date,

5.4.1. he must provide the World Sailing sailor ID to the organizers

5.4.2. he must be registered in the website

5.4.3. if it does not follow those prescriptions, the regatta's result cannot be scored in the EurILCA Europa Cup Trophy.

5.4.4. to his boat will be charged the late entry fee (some EurILCA Europa Cups required also an early payment before the closing date of entry to avoid late entry fees)

5.4.5. his application will not necessarily be accepted at discretion of Organizing Authority.

  1. Entry fee payment is normally due on site (Some exceptions).

When the event's organizing committee requires the payment of the entry fee till the entry closing date, and that has been reported in the essential information page published at the Eurilca website, and to do this the sailor must fill the organizer's electronic form, for the event organizer to pay on line.

The application made on the Eurilca website will be the proof of entry and no additional late entry fee must be charged to the sailor except when payment is required by the organizer prior to the entry closing

  1. Any sailor who has not finalized the registration at the race office of the organizing club, by the registration closing time, will be removed from the list of sailors and will not be scored at that event.

This also applies to sailors who have not complied with all other entry requirements.

  1. After the closure of the registration, crew substitution of the registered sailor is not permitted.


  1. There are two races a day for a 4 days racing series and three races a day on the first two days of a 3 days series with 2 races on the last day. Else if only 2 races a day are scheduled, a third race may be sailed when in delay with the program, with the agreement of the EuILCA representative. Never a fourth race may be sailed in the same day, if that happens, cannot be counted in the score.
  2. The race committee may decide to split some or all of the classes into groups where each class has more than 60 entries. This split is mandatory if the entries of a single class are more than 85.   A grouping system will be used and the colors will be re-assigned every day as specified in the sailing instructions.
  3. If the fleet is split as per 6.2 above, and at least 4 races were sailed, the following days the fleet will be divided in Gold and Silver fleets (and bronze and emerald if in case) and raced in “finals” format


The programs of the individual regattas are detailed on the event mini-site of each EurILCA Europa Cup regatta located on the website. Information regarding the time and date of the first start the first day of racing and last start possible on the last day are also located on the event mini-site of each regatta. The notice of race of the EurILCA Europa Cup is a general document which includes all contents of the event mini-site of each regatta. A separate notice of race can be published as long as it contains what is in the general notice of race. Further information may be obtained from the website of the organising club and / or the Notice of Race of the individual regatta if any.


  1. All competitors shall use only one hull, sail, mast, boom, centreboard and rudder. The Europa Cup trophy will be sailed in ILCA class boats as recognized by World Sailing. All boats must have a valid World Sailing Plaque attached in accordance with the ILCA class rules to the aft face of the cockpit.
  2. Sails shall have the full sail number and NATIONAL LETTERS in accordance with the Class Rules and the RRS. The national letters shall denote the National Authority of which the sailor is a member in accordance with RRS 75.2 and with the Notice of Race clause 3.1 Eligibility and Entry Regulations. This changes RRS Appendix G 1.1.
  3. Women competitors shall place a red diamond on each side of their sail (back to back) in compliance with ILCA class rule 4(g).


  1. Boat and equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules, wet clothing rules and sailing instructions at the discretion of the technical committee, Jury or race committee.
  2. Inspection of the sails might be performed before the beginning of the event and before registration.


The approved Sailing instructions for the EurILCA Europa Cup 2025 will be posted on the Official Notice Board (electronic) and the EurILCA website if received on time.


Trapezoid courses will be used with inner and outer loops.


  1. Decisions of the jury will be final as provided in rule 70.3.
  2. Scoring penalties will be applied as specified in sailing instructions.


  1. The single EurILCA Europa Cup regattas

13.1.1. Where a fleet is split into Gold and Silver groups, the 1st ranked in the silver fleet will be ranked in the subsequent place of the gold fleet; that concept is extended when we have more groups, bronze and emerald.

13.1.2. Where men and women fleets sail together (in ILCA 6 and ILCA 4 Fleets) the men and women will be ranked separately by simply extracting without points recalculation.

13.1.3 Scoring for series results in any categories shall be made by extraction from the overall series results without rescoring.

  1. The EurILCA Europa Cup 2025 overall

13.2.1. The assigned score corresponds to the final position in each event.

13.2.2. Sailors sailing a boat only scored as DNC, DNF, DNS, DSQ, DNE, OCS, UFD, NSC, BFD will have a score equal to the number of entries plus one.

13.2.3. Sailors having not yet sailed any event, will take 3 times the score based on the higher number of competitors in the same class plus one. Each time they sail a regatta, that penalty will be substituted by his score taken at the respective event.

13.2.4. The sum of the best 3 scores (lower) at Europa Cup regattas determines the competitor's total ranking score.

13.2.5. Scoring for series results in any of these above categories shall be made by extraction from the overall series results without rescoring.

13.2.6. The Europa Cup trophy final ranking will be available at after the Last EurILCA Europa Cup of the year.



14.1.1. Prizes are assigned following age categories as per item 4.1.d.

14.1.2. Additional prizes can be awarded by the organisers.

  1. EurILCA Europa Cup 2025 regatta and EurILCA Europa Cup Overall trophy

14.2.1. Prizes will be awarded to at the first 3 places in each overall category and for the first in each sub category noted in item 15.1 above for a EurILCA Europa Cup for a EurILCA Europa Cup regatta.

14.2.2. EurILCA prizes will be awarded for the EurILCA Europa Cup overall Troply.In 2025, brand new sails will be awarded to each winner of an overall category. Competitors who have participated in at least 3 of the Europa Cup regattas during 2025 will be in a draw for a brand-new sail. One sail will be draw for each overall ranking except the winner (who is receiving already one sail).


  1. Competitors shall wear personal flotation devices at all times when afloat, except briefly when changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. 
  2. Each event may introduce a Check-in and Check-out system, which will be detailed in the Sailing Instructions for each relevant event.


Team and support vessels shall, at all times when afloat, be conspicuously identified by the country name, national letters or national flag of the team they represent. They must fill an accreditation form at the Race office before go afloat.


By entering the event, competitors automatically grant to the Organizing Authorities and Media Services providers the right in perpetuity to make, use, and show from time to time at their discretion, any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped, or filmed television and other reproduction of them, taken during the period of the event, without compensation and without the competitor’s approval of such images or any use thereof.


  1. 1 The Sailing Clubs, the National Authorities, EurILCA, their officers, members and volunteers do not accept liability for loss of life or property, personal injury or damage caused by or arising out of the EurILCA Europa Cup.
  2. 2 Competitors participate in the event entirely at their own risk. See RRS 3, Decision to Race.The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the event.
  3. 3 The establishment of the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions in no way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibilities of a competitor being solely and entirely responsible for the management of a boat he or she is sailing.


  1. Each participating competitor shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of € 2,000,000 (2 million Euros) per event or equivalent there of in any other currency. By signing the entry form each sailor confirm that he hold a valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of € 2,000,000 (2 million Euros) per event or equivalent there of in any other currency
  2. Each competitor is wholly and exclusively responsible for third party liability insurance on the boat that he or she is sailing and for his or her personal accident and health insurance.
  3. Each competitor is wholly and exclusively responsible to maintain his boat in a safe and seaworthy condition checking it before go afloat.


The EurILCA representative

  1. The EurILCA appoints a representative who will be responsible of the Europa Cup regatta Quality Assurance; he will be call to fill an assessment form about the regatta.
    The representative can be an already EurILCA District Officer or an experienced in the class.
  2. The representative will be on site to cooperate with the local EurILCA District Officer, the Organizing Committee Chairman, the PRO, the Jury Chairman for the best success of the event and for any matter related to EurILCA or the Sailing Instructions.
  3. He/she will take the decisions with PRO / RC / OC about the daily regatta's schedule and about safety when there are weather or wind unfavorable conditions.
  4. Every further changes in Sis made on-site must be approved by the Eurilca Representative in cooperation with the organisers, race committee and the jury.
  5. The competitors, may refer to him/her for any question or need raised at the event. He will refer to the PRO /OC to clarify or solve any issue.
  6. The competitors, after the regatta may receive an email asking to fill a survey about the regatta.


Additional information will be notified either from the EurILCA or from individual organising clubs.


This Notice of Race may be subject to amendments which will be identified in the Notice of Race and noted on the top of this Notice of race.

                 22.1 Local rules may apply for some events. Please check on line on the event notice board (ONB)you are registered