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Europa Cup Italy

Thu 13th March 2025 - Sun 16th March 2025

Italy, Imperia

Visit the host venue website

Important Dates

  • Entry closing date

    Mon 3rd of March

Fees Entry Fee 120.00€ (EUR) Late Entry Fee: 140.00€ (EUR) Entry Closing Date: Mon 3rd of March
Payment address

It shall be made before the entry closing date, any payment after the entry closing date will be a lmate entry even if an application has been made.


Please do a bank transfer with mentionning name and first name, class and sail number with nationality


Payment to be made at : 

Yacht Club Imperia
Banca d'Alba
IBAN: IT67L0853010500000000001078


Competitors must send a receipt of payment to the following email address: once they have completed the bank transfer with their name and first name, sail number, and class in the payment reference.


Coaches shall register directly with the club before the entry closing date: Entry fees for every coach is : €100 

Yacht Club of imperia will also provide the possibility of launching the RIBs using a crane, If someone needs to use the crane, it must be indicate it when  the email is sent to the club with the completed registration form

Yacht Club Imperia A.S.D.
via Scarincio 128
18100 Imperia
tel: +39 018363788


Race office Opening date: Tue 11th of March , 14:30 Closing date: Sun 16th of March , 19:00
Races First race: Thu 13th of March , 11:00 Last race: Sun 16th of March , 15:30 N° of races: 12
Social events

T-shirt at the time of registration. Each day, pasta party.

Insurance Requirements

All competitors shall be insured with valid third party liability insurance with a minimum cover of € 2,000,000 (2 millions Euros) per event or equivalent there of in any other currency.

Club Details

Yacht Club Imperia, Via Scarincio 128, 18100 Imperia Italy


About Imperia

The Yacht club Imperia's facilities include an office, a classroom with a television, and two restrooms available for the participants, as well as two changing rooms equipped with multiple showers.

Imperia is renowned for being an excellent venue in every season, particularly know for its breezes.

In March, you can generally expect a strong easterly wind (known as levante) ranging from 10 to 20 knots, as well as a sustained westerly wind (ponente) with similar intensity. Early in the morning, a pleasant northerly breeze (known as tramontana) also typically develops.

Local tourist information

In Imperia, you can find many beaches, both sandy and pebbly, just a short walk from the Yacht Club Imperia. There is also a beautiful seaside bike path that connects Imperia to nearby towns both to the east and west, wich is also easily accessible from the yacht club. Additionally, with is proximity to the mountains and its hilly landscape, Imperia offers numerous opportunities for mountain biking, e-biking, and trekking.


The Yacht Club Imperia recommends the following hotel and/or residences, all easily accessible from the boat park, either on foot or by van:

  • Hotel Corallo, Corso Garibaldi 19, 18100 Imperia (40 rooms, very close to the yacht club, easily reacchable by foot)
  • Hotel Croce di Malta, via Scarincio 128, 18100 Imperia (9 rooms, it's located 50 meters from the boat park)
  • Villa Giada Hotel e Residence, Str. Colla, 103-123, 18100 Imperia
  • Piano Mare Riviera Apartments, via Privata Sant Antonio 4, 18100 Imperia (it's located 50 meters from the boat park)
  • Residence Edy, Strada comunale Poggi n°91/95, 18100 Imperia (IM)

Charter Boats Information

NEW ILCAs and VSR Coach Boats


Phone: +48 888 633 632



For boat rentals or equipment requests, they can reach out directly to:

MSailing Charter

­­­­­New ILCA boats & RIB Charter


M: +385989342169