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Euro Master United Kingdom

Fri 24th June 2016 - Sun 26th June 2016

Great Britain, Hayling Island

Visit the host venue website

Important Dates

  • Entry closing date

    Fri 17th of June

Fees Entry Fee £70.00 (GBP) Late Entry Fee: £80.00 (GBP) Entry Closing Date: Fri 17th of June
Entry address
Race office Opening date: Thu 23rd of June , 18:00 Closing date: Fri 24th of June , 11:00
Races First race: Fri 24th of June , 13:00 Last race: Sun 26th of June , 11:00 N° of races: 8
Social events
Insurance Requirements

A competitor shall maintain their boat in a safe and seaworthy condition.


A competitor is wholly and exclusively responsible for third party liability insurance on the boat that he or she is sailing and for his or her personal accident and health insurance. Insurance requirements details for each regatta can be found in the regatta information below.

All competitors shall be insured with valid third party liability insurance with a minimum cover of €1,500,000 (1.5 million Euros) per event or equivalent thereof in any other currency

Club Details

Hayling Island Sailing Club, Sandy Point, Hayling Island Great Britain

Tel: +44 (0)7867802123

About Hayling Island


Venue Map & Facilities:
Finding your way around HISC:
Larger Site Map:
Onsite Chandlery:
Club Opening Times & Food Options:  (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner available onsite)

Weather Conditions:
Live wind reading over main race course area
Most accurate and free-to-use weather forecasting: (search South Hayling)
Tide Tables:


Local tourist information




Hayling Island Sailing Club onsite accommodation info found here:
Camper Van Parking and Camping (No vehicle may be used for overnight sleeping accommodation within the precincts of the Club.)

We recommend for those Camping/Motorhomes: 
Airbnb for local accommodation opportunities:

Local Hotels:

Langstone Quays Resort:
Sinah Warren:
Premier Inn:

Lakeside Holiday Village:



Those bringing their boats outside of the UK.

Portsmouth International Ferry Port: Cruise - Portsmouth Port (Located 25 Minute Drive to Hayling Island Sailing Club)
Please see this info for where you can depart from: (Caen, Cherbourg, Le Harve, St Malo, Bilbao, Santander, St Helier, St Peter)

Calais to Folkestone Channel Tunnel: (2 hour 30 Minute Drive to Hayling Island Sailing Club)

Those flying without boats:

Closest Airports:

Closest Train Station: (Taxi or Bus ride 20 minutes from here)