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EurILCA Master Great Britain

Fri 27th September 2024 - Sun 29th September 2024

Great Britain, Hayling Island

Visit the host venue website

Important Dates

  • Entry closing date

    Mon 23rd of September

Fees Entry Fee £115.00 (GBP) Late Entry Fee: £135.00 (GBP) Entry Closing Date: Mon 23rd of September
Entry address
Race office Opening date: Thu 26th of September , 0:00 Closing date: Sun 29th of September , 0:00
Races First race: Fri 27th of September , 12:00 Last race: Sun 29th of September , 15:00 N° of races: 8
Social events

Saturday night dinner.

Insurance Requirements

minimum EUR2m

Club Details

Hayling Island Sailing Club, Sandy Point, Hayling Island Great Britain

Tel: +44 (0)7867802123

About Hayling Island


Venue Map & Facilities:
Finding your way around HISC:
Larger Site Map:
Onsite Chandlery:
Club Opening Times & Food Options:  (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner available onsite)

Weather Conditions:
Live wind reading over main race course area
Most accurate and free-to-use weather forecasting: (search South Hayling)
Tide Tables:


Local tourist information




Hayling Island Sailing Club onsite accommodation info found here:
Camper Van Parking and Camping (No vehicle may be used for overnight sleeping accommodation within the precincts of the Club.)

We recommend for those Camping/Motorhomes: 
Airbnb for local accommodation opportunities:

Local Hotels:

Langstone Quays Resort:
Sinah Warren:
Premier Inn:

Lakeside Holiday Village:



Those bringing their boats outside of the UK.

Portsmouth International Ferry Port: Cruise - Portsmouth Port (Located 25 Minute Drive to Hayling Island Sailing Club)
Please see this info for where you can depart from: (Caen, Cherbourg, Le Harve, St Malo, Bilbao, Santander, St Helier, St Peter)

Calais to Folkestone Channel Tunnel: (2 hour 30 Minute Drive to Hayling Island Sailing Club)

Those flying without boats:

Closest Airports:

Closest Train Station: (Taxi or Bus ride 20 minutes from here)


Charter Boats Information

Charter boats available: 6

1: Complete boat package £225.00 per day
2: Hull, Foils and spars package  £150.00 per day