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Euro Master Sweden

Fri 2nd August 2019 - Sun 4th August 2019

Sweden, Kullavik

Visit the host venue website

Important Dates

  • Entry closing date

    Fri 19th of July

Fees Entry Fee 900.00 SEK Late Entry Fee: 1100.00 SEK Entry Closing Date: Fri 19th of July
Entry address
Race office Opening date: Fri 2nd of August , 8:00 Closing date: Sun 4th of August , 19:00
Races First race: Sat 3rd of August , 10:00 Last race: Sun 4th of August , 15:00 N° of races: 6
Social events

In the club there are shower, toilets and café.

A small kiosk and a restaurant are within 100 metres from the club.

Parking is provided in the area.


The dinner is included in the entry fees


Insurance Requirements

All competitors shall be insured with valid third party liability insurance with a minimum cover of €1,500,000 (1.5 million Euros) per event or equivalent there of in any other currency.

Club Details

Kullaviks Kanot och Kappseglingsklubb (KKKK), Billdals Kappeseglingsklubb (BiKSS), Kullaviks Hamn, Kullavik Sweden


About Kullavik


Average Wind & Weather Conditions:

Average Wind speed is generally good this time of year, 10 to 20 knots in normal cases. Temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees.

Boat Landing Area and Facilities:

Large landing and storing space. Club house for events. Restaurant for Regatta Party.

Local Facilities:

Shower and changing rooms in the harbour.



Local tourist information

Kullavik is situated outside of Gothenburg.



Hotels are available in Gothenburg, Molndal or Kungsbacka approximately 20 min from the venue, please visit
Unfortunately, there are no camping close to the venue.



From Gothenburg; road 158 south to Kullavik. After Kullavik exit, keep straight until harbour.

From South (Malmö); Exit the E6 at the second exit to Kungsbacka (sign Särö) and continue to Kullavik. After Kullavik exit, keep straight until harbour.