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Information for Countries / National Class Associations about the EurILCA Entry System

This page is aimed at describing how the EurILCA Entry System works and what Countries / National Class Association's need to do if they would like to send sailors to European Championships. We hope that you can find all the information you are looking for here, but in case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact

All sailors wishing to enter into an EurILCA European Championship, must first make an application on the EurILCA website. (For more information about how sailors can apply, please read the Information for Sailors section). The only exception is the European Masters Championship which is an open event and which can be entered on a first come first served basis.

Timelines for championships, including the opening and closing of applications and entry deadlines, are detailed in the Notices of Race for each championship. A European Circular will also be sent to the main EurILCA contact at your Class Association.

After the closing date for initial applications and before the ranking deadline given by EurILCA you must rank all sailors that have completed an application for entry to each of the championships. The EurILCA system will automatically offer your allocated places to the ranked sailors at the top of each list. Any sailors in the application list who are ranked and have not been offered an allocated place will automatically be transferred to the extra place request list (called "applications waiting for a place" list) and may receive an entry offer in the next rounds.

Example: If your country receives 5 allocated places and has 16 applications, of which 15 were ranked, then the applications ranked 1 to 5 will receive an emailed entry offer and the applications ranked 6 to 15 will be held on the extra place request list (called "applications waiting for a place" list) to be offered places if available in the later rounds. The sailors ranked 6 to 15 will also receive an e-mail informing them about their situation. Sailor 16 will stay on the application list with no action. He will also receive an e-mail informing him of the situation and that he should contact his Class Association.

Any country who has more allocated places than ranked applications by the initial entry application deadline (please refer to the Notice of Race, paragraph Entry Applications and Entry Process) will lose the unused allocated places. These places are returned to EurILCA to issue to countries who have more ranked applications than places. The process used to distribute the extra places to each country is a continuation of the system initially used to calculate the allocated places.

Example: If your country receives 6 allocated places and has 4 ranked applications then the applicants ranked 1 to 4 will receive an emailed entry offer and the 2 remaining unused allocated places will be removed from your country and issued to the other countries at the beginning of the extra places process.

Entry Offers / Allocated Places

All entry offers are sent to sailors by email. Sailors are asked to complete entry or decline the entry offer by clicking the respective link in the email. Declining the entry offer allows the entry to be passed to the next ranked sailor of the same country.

All entry offers are only valid for 4 days. After 4 days an entry offer will time out and will no longer allow entry to the championship (EurILCA provides an automatic entry system to assist sailors if they believe they are not going to be able to respond to an emailed entry offer). If a sailor lets an entry offer time out by neither entering nor declining within 4 days then this place is returned to EurILCA to be issued to the next country that qualifies for an extra place. There is one exception to the previous point in that for the first round only if an entry offer is allowed to time out by a sailor (by neither entering nor declining) the next ranked applicant in the country's application list will be sent the previously timed out entry offer by email with another 4 days in which to complete entry or decline the entry offer.

Example: European ILCA4 Youth Championship: If your country receives 3 allocated places and has 5 ranked applications then on the 3rd November the sailors with applications ranked 1 to 3 will receive an emailed entry offer. If after 4 days the sailor ranked 1st and 3rd have completed entry but the sailor ranked 2nd has not entered or declined his entry offer then this entry offer will be offered to the sailor whose application was ranked 4th. If then following a further 4 days the sailor ranked 4th who was offered the first round timed out entry offer has neither entered or declined, then this place is returned to EurILCA to issue to the next country which qualifies for an extra place. The sailor who was ranked in 5th place could receive an entry offer either if the sailors ranked ahead of him in the country application list had declined their places or if the country is awarded extra places.

The list of allocated places for each championship can be found from the "Allocations" link in the menu of each championship web site, links are available from the EurILCA home page. Extra places will be offered later on using all allocated places that where not used by other countries.

Registering Your Country's Places Without the Sailors' Details (Allowing for a later national qualification / ranking date).

If you are unable to rank your sailors by the initial entry application deadline then your country would normally lose all of its allocated places. This can be avoided by reserving all or some of your allocated places and confirming a later date when the sailors will complete the entry details. Please note that by reserving allocated and any extra places which might become available, you are financially committing to these places. No payment is necessary in advance, but if your sailors later decide they cannot go and you are left with unused places, you will still need to pay for the places.

It is very important when declaring a later ranking date that Districts do not wait too long with their qualification/ranking in order to allow adequate time and opportunity for sailors to arrange the other aspects of their championship attendance - including accommodation, transport, a charter boat or arranging transport of their boat.

Countries wishing to register places without the sailors details must complete the forms on the web site for each championship before the given deadline to ensure not losing any allocated places.

Below you can see a visual representation of the Application for Entry process:

Possible Questions:

Q) If a sailor wants to enter after the end of the "Application for Entry" period is this possible and what will happen?
A) Late application can be made (please check the Notice of Race for the date from which extra places will be offered). Late applicants are only eligible for extra places. Countries will need to process any late applications deciding if these sailors should be entered into the list for requesting extra places or if the application should be declined.

Q) Can a Class Association or other person complete an application for entry on behalf of a sailor?
A) Yes, it is preferred that a sailor make his or her application themselves but there is the opportunity for a Class Association, coach or parent to make the application on the sailors behalf.

If you require further assistance please contact