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Europa Cup France
Thu 14th October 2021 - Sun 17th October 2021
France, Hyères

Regatta Informations

This regatta will be organized by the COYCH.

Sailors wishing to enter must first complete an application form.

Entry Fee90.00€ (EUR)Late Entry Fee110.00€ (EUR)Entry Closing DateMon 4th of October
Entry Address

Sailors must also register in order to pay before the 4 th of october 2021 at the following link


If not due to covid-19 regulations their entry will be refused. 

Race office openingWed 13th of October , 12:00 Race office closing Sun 17th of October , 19:00
First RaceThu 14th of October , 14:30Last RaceSun 17th of October , 15:00 N° of Races8
Social events

Social events (snacking each evening after races, opening ceremony, prize giving ceremony, t-shirt)

Insurance Requirements

All competitors shall be insured with valid third party liability insurance with a minimum cover of €1,500,000 (1.5 million Euros) per event or equivalent there of in any other currency.

Club Details

COYCH, 14 avenue du Docteur robin, 83400 Hyeres France

Tel: +33625622480

About Hyères, France

Base (renovation) provide 2 space of toilets and showers and Yacht Club add Toillets on the second area.
There are two local wind directions: east wind with good wave for sailing from 6knd to 20 knd or West wind 6knd to 25 knd whithout tide.

Local Tourist Information

Phone Tourism office: 0033 4 94 01 84 50


In this season, there are a lot of hotel near the yacht club and also a lot of apartment to rent.
The first camping is about 1 km from the yacht club  (le Ceinturon).
A big Village vacance is also available: Hotel plein sud  (1,5km from the club) 


The nearest airport is Toulon-Hyères about 1km to the club, Taxi or COYCH shuttle are available. 
The railway station is Hyères about 5 km to the club (TGV line) and amotorway from Marseille or Nice is finishing at the beginning of the town.

Charter Boats Information

Minimum number of charter boats available: 50

Charter fee: 600€
